ButterflyNetRender PDF Tutorials

Tutorials for ButterflyNetRender:

Build shared folders

How to create a Network Sharing directory for setting up your render farm

Setup Controller

Configure the BNRStart application – used to launch the BNR5 Controller and WebUI

Configure Platforms

Configure the Platforms – Includes how to setup the Lightwave with Platform wizard.

OSX Path Matching

Setup OSX with Path Matching

ButterflyNetRender - Video Video Tutorials

Tutorials for ButterflyNetRender:

Setup ButterflyNetRender 5 / 6

Setup the WebUI on ButterflyNetRender

Setup Shared

Setup Shared folder

Setup BNR Client

Setup BNR Client

Setup BNR4 Modo

Setup Modo on BNR4

Test Scene Modo

Test Scene in Modo

Render in BNR4

Render in BNR4

Troubleshooting Rendering

Troubleshooting Rendering